What Is Arsenic in Water and How to Remove It?
Water quality is a critical concern for households across the UK, especially when it comes to harmful contaminants like arsenic. Many people may not be aware that arsenic can leach into drinking water, posing serious health risks. In this guide, we will explore what arsenic is, how it gets into water supplies, and most importantly, how you can remove it to ensure the water you drink is safe and clean.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
February 11, 2025
How to Remove Fluoride from Water?
Fluoride in water has been a topic of debate for years, with some people swearing by its benefits for dental health and others concerned about its potential risks. If you’re a resident of the UK and are wondering how to remove fluoride from your drinking water, you’re not alone. In this article, we will explore why fluoride is added to tap water, the potential concerns surrounding it, and the best methods to effectively remove fluoride from your water.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
February 06, 2025
Best Water Filter for Microplastics in the UK
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 17, 2025
How to Make Distilled Water at Home?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 16, 2025
Does Tap Water Have Minerals?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 13, 2025
Is My Water Hard or Soft?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 12, 2025
Why You Should Think Twice Before Drinking Tap Water in the UK?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 11, 2025
Is Hard Water Bad for You?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 08, 2025
Does Reverse Osmosis Take Lead Out of Water?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
December 13, 2024
PFAS Exposure: Shield Your Family from Perpetually Harmful Substances
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
October 28, 2024
Post-Hurricane Guide: How to Guarantee Your Drinking Water is Safe
It is of great importance to have good methods for handling crises and responding to emergencies. In case like hurricane, having access to clean drinking water is still very important, since contaminated water can make things harder for first responders. Since most of the infrastructure has been destroyed, having clean water on the ground can help protect against water-borne diseases and provide a vital lifeline for communities and groups that have been affected.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
February 27, 2024
Thames Water Fined £3.3m over River Sewage: How Clean are UK Waters?
Thames Water has received a fine of £3.3 million due to its actions of releasing undiluted sewage into rivers near Gatwick Airport in 2017. This reckless incident resulted in the death of over 1,000 fish and caused the water to turn black.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
July 07, 2023
How to Remove Microplastics from Drinking Water?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
November 11, 2022
Lead in Drinking Water in the U.S.: Facts You Should Know
Humans cannot survive without water. For a long time, lead-contaminated water has been known to impact human health adversely. Unfortunately, this contaminant is a leading cause of the water crisis in the United States.
Before supplying water to households, water utilities test drinking water for lead. And if the lead level exceeds 15 parts per billion (ppb) in over 10% of homes with the supplied water, necessary action is taken to reduce the presence of the contaminant.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
August 12, 2022
Bacterium That Can Cause Fatal Illness Found in the U.S. for the First Time
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a type of bacterium that can cause deadly disease has been found in contaminated soil and water in the United States for the very first time.
The bacterium, Burkholderia pseudomallei, can cause melioidosis in humans and other animals. Every year, there are a few cases are discovered in America, usually among people who had international trips. The disease has been proven fatal in half of the cases around the world.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
July 28, 2022
How Do You Remove Nitrates from Water?
We need safe and clean water to stay healthy and fit. But there is a barrier to meeting this need, and this is the presence of contaminants in the water in our households. Whether it is drinking water or water used for other domestic and agricultural purposes, chances are contaminants like nitrate will be present.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
May 13, 2022
What Is Groundwater Contamination and How Do You Remediate It?
Over 50% of the United States population depends on groundwater for drinking water. Groundwater is also one of our most important sources of water for irrigation. In other parts of the world, such as countries in Africa and Asia, groundwater provides drinking water for an even greater percentage of people. Unfortunately, groundwater is susceptible to pollutants.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
April 08, 2022
What Is Deionized Water
Experts say water is essential to life, coming second to oxygen. Because all body cells use water, surviving more than a few days without water is impossible. Water carries oxygen and wastes to and from several organs while traveling through the human body.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
March 22, 2022
What is Ozone Water Treatment
Ozone is also known as trioxygen and its chemical formula is with O3. It consists of three oxygen atoms.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 29, 2022
How To Remove Iron from Water
Water usually contains a low iron content, usually below 1 mg/L. The first signs of exceedingly high iron content in water include a peculiar smell, red color on the surface, and turbidity. In the case of underground water without oxygen, you may not observe color or cloudiness, even if the iron content is just a few milligrams per liter.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 26, 2022
How to Remove Copper from Water
As a metal element that exists widely in nature, copper is also one of the earliest metals used by human beings. The applications of copper can be seen in many places.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 26, 2022
A Detailed Look At The Wisconsin Water Infrastructure
If the data from the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau is anything to go by, then Wisconsin is in line to be a beneficiary of US$347 million as clean water funding, and a separate US$522 million as safe drinking water revolving loans. All of these are expected to happen within the next five years.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 21, 2022
How to Remove Viruses from Drinking Water
Water is one thing that we drink every day, but have you ever thought that the water we drink may affect our health?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 21, 2022
The Tonga Volcanic Eruption Sending Powerful Tsunami Waves Across The Pacific
Tonga’s capital is sixty-five kilometers (40 miles) to the south of the eruption. Because of the volcano, much of this Pacific island nation is blanketed in ash and in the midst of a total shutdown of electricity, internet services, and telephone communications. Currently, the extent of casualties or damage is unknown
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 19, 2022
What Is Brackish Water and How Do You Treat It?
We drink water every day, but have you ever noticed that the water we drink sometimes tastes different. Some water tastes sweet, but some water tastes astringent and even difficult to swallow. The quality of water can affect the water taste, therefore, hinders the overall intake of water.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
January 11, 2022
Safe Drinking Water in Hurricane Season
These kinds of extreme weather are unpredictable, with hurricane formation depending on several factors such as sustained wind. Wind shear, water temperature, and other factors come into play, as they are monitored closely by experts. During the year, these weather experts attempt to predict the occurrence of hurricanes and tropical storms, in an effort to warn citizens and prevent damage.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
December 30, 2021
Why Does My Water Smell of Sulfur?
In order to ensure optimal health, our bodies need water to function well through consumption of sufficient amounts of water. It is recommended for men to drink 15 ½ cups of water on average per day, whereas women should drink 11 ½ cups. This enables your organs to operate well, in the removal of toxins, and more. However, for most people, tap water isn’t enough to replace lost electrolytes and keep your body hydrated. Let’s explore what aspects would make tap water unfavorable for consumption, and how it may be improved.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
December 21, 2021
Everything You Need to Know about Omicron
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
December 14, 2021
Flint Water Crisis: Everything You Need to Know
From 2011 to 2015, the city of Flint filed bankruptcy liquidation (receivership). Governor Rick Snyder assigned different emergency managers to take over Flint's municipality. One of the job duties of the emergency officer is to reduce government expenditures and save the government from the financial crisis.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
December 13, 2021
How to Reduce PFAS Chemicals in Drinking Water
The Wolf Administration was able to receive preliminary approval of a proposed drinking water regulation that would set limits for two highly toxic chemicals. The Environmental Quality Board approved the rule at 14 parts per trillion, and 18 ppm respectively in submissions from state agencies over this summer.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
November 23, 2021
Is Newark Winning The War of Drinking Water Lead Reduction?
According to the World Health Organization, lead is one of just over 13 harmful factors children face. This heavy metal element is a known neurotoxin, posing no known physiological effects on the body. A few of the issues caused by consumption of high levels of lead include:
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
November 14, 2021
Is My Drinking Water Safe to Drink after Water Main Break in Charlotte
Since then, a second main water break occurred. Unfortunately, once an event of this magnitude takes place, it’s often difficult to maintain consumer confidence, especially in regard to water quality. If you are one of the consumers currently worried about the safety of your tap water, read on to understand whether or not you could be affected well after the break.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
November 05, 2021
What You Should Know about Fluoride in Drinking Water
The human body contains many essential trace elements, and fluoride is one of them. Depending on the dose, fluoride can have physiological effects on the body. However, it causes poisoning when present in high amounts. Unfortunately, we have seen several cases of endemic fluoride poisoning, which attacks the teeth and bones. Symptoms include the development of teeth plaque and impairing of visual organs, skin, endocrine, digestion, central nerve, cardiovascular system, and other vital organs and systems of the body.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
September 13, 2021
Protect Children from Lead Exposure in Drinking Water
Instinctively, children put toys, fingers, and other objects in their mouths, thus, putting them in danger of contacting lead paint or dust.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
September 09, 2021
Enjoy Clean Drinking Water During Power Outage
You will agree that life without electricity will never be the same. But the truth is the more we cannot do without electricity, the more vulnerable we are to problems that come with blackouts, including water scarcity.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
September 06, 2021
How Global Warming Is A Threat to Water Resources
Although half the year has gone by in 2021, it is still unbelievable for most people. The events around the world are so surreal, and it looks like the doomsday movie is happening in the real world. From the volcanic eruptions in the Philippines to influenza B in the United States and blizzards in Canada, it all looked like the earth unleashed its hell mode. Other situations like rare storms in Brazil, fire disasters in Australia, and coronavirus worldwide were also happening concurrently.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
August 19, 2021
Avoiding The Harmful Effects of Water Contaminated with Heavy Metals
When the mercury content is excessive throughout the human body, although the harm may not be obvious, it can affect major parts of the body. Intelligence is lowered, even in a fetus, or subsequent children in affected adults. Pregnant women should take extreme care to reduce overall mercury intake, which is why they should monitor their water and food sources more carefully than others. When the risk involves other individuals, who cannot speak for themselves, it is a serious consideration.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
August 12, 2021
How Does Drinking Water Become Contaminated?
There are three categories of drinking water contaminants, including physical, chemical, and biological.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
August 11, 2021
The New Delta Variant And Its Implication On Drinking Water Safety
People who are yet to complete their COVID-19 vaccination are at a higher risk of the new Delta variant. Areas like Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, Missouri, and other cities in the Southern and Appalachian states have relatively low vaccination rates. They are more likely to be hit with the new wave. It is important to note that some of these states have lifted restrictions because the rates of cases are lower, while others are battling with increasing numbers of cases.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
August 10, 2021
Protecting Your Water During Natural Disasters Seasons
Considering all of these factors, it is important to know how to stay protected in the face of these disasters. It may take several years to recover from a disaster that lasted for a few minutes. From major infrastructural damages to extensive clean-up works, there is always a lot to do.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
August 09, 2021
The Importance of Cleaning Your Swimming Pool
As your shower continues to be used, the walls typically remain wet for some length of time, leading to possible mold growth. When it isn't cleaned on a regular basis, you will be exposing yourself to unsafe bathing conditions. Your pool is no exception. Bromine, chlorine, and other types of chemicals are what maintain clean pool water. Essentially, they also keep the floor and walls of your pool clean to a degree. When proper maintenance is not completed, algae growth may begin to take hold and become a problem. Just as chemicals are incapable of scooping leaves out of pool water, it is unable to keep the pool's walls and floor clean. Excess chemicals do not take the place of a thorough pool cleaning.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
July 29, 2021
Saving Your Water From The Increasing Levels Of E. coli In Tokyo Bay
However, several other issues need to be resolved. Let’s take a look at some of them;
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
July 28, 2021
What is the Best Way to Remove Chloramine from Water?
EPA has strictly regulated the amount of added chemicals. Below that limit, the benefits of using chemical disinfectant outweighs their potential risks. Despite this, we can't ignore the so called "insignificant" potential risks.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
May 07, 2021
Is Well Water Safe to Drink?
When a home relies on well water for its household water supply, it means they get their drinking, bathing, cleaning water or any other water requirement from the private well on their property. Wells are built by drilling into the ground and accessing an underground aquifer. That water is then pumped into the house. If you are still undecided on adopting well water as the main water source for you and your family, read on to learn about the pros and cons of well water.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
April 21, 2021
Can Home Water Treatment Deal with Lead Contaminated Water
The Flint water crisis started in 2014 that exposed the citizen's health with tap water contaminated by brain-damaging lead did shock the public.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
April 12, 2021
What Is TDS and How to Measure It?
TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids and represents the total concentration of dissolved substances in water. TDS is the term used to describe the inorganic salts and small amounts of organic matter present in solution in water. The primary components of TDS are usually calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium cations and carbonate, hydrogencarbonate, chloride, sulfate, and nitrate anions.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
March 25, 2021
How to Get Rid of PFAS Chemicals in Water
If you read the news a lot, you must have ever come across reports of PFAS(per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) chemicals found in wells, rivers, landfills, or groundwater somewhere in the US or elsewhere in other countries.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
March 25, 2021
How to Deal with the Bad Smells in Water After Huston Boil Advisory Lifted?
Reports of bad smells in water across the Huston area to the local water agency increased after the boil advisory was lifted on Feb, 20th.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
February 26, 2021
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Said, “Boil Tap Water Before Drinking”
The recent sudden power outage in Texas left everyone worried. Homes and businesses were left stranded after a deadly blast of winter left the electrical grid dead. Millions of Texans had to deal with the harsh weather, but this was only half of the problem. The other half is the absence of clean water due to the power outage.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
February 21, 2021
How to Remove Chromium 6 in Water
The name “hexavalent chromium” gained the prominence in the Erin Brockovich’s lawsuit against Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which alerted the public about this cancer-causing chemical. The utility company was found liable for dumping this type of chemical into the groundwater of Hinkley, CA.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
December 17, 2020
Wildfires in California Raise Health Concerns over Contaminated Water
Wildfire leads to water contamination in California. Learn how to remove benzene and other toxic chemicals in the local water supply after wildfires.
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
October 17, 2020
Brain-Eating Amoeba Found in Water Supply 8 Texas Cities Were Alerted
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
September 27, 2020
Giant Rats – Another Reason to Get a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
September 07, 2020
Make Your Water Lead-Free With These Proven Tips
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
September 03, 2020
Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Bacteria and Viruses?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle
June 02, 2020